
Real Property and Tax Information

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The Town of Springfield contracts with Associated Appraisal Consultants, Inc. for our assessments. You can contact them at 920-749-1995 or visit their website for assessment, open book, board of review dates and other information.

Property Revaluation Assessment

In compliance with State statutes, Springfield must undergo its first revaluation since 2007. Beginning in September 2024, the Town’s assessor AAC (Associated Appraisal Consultants, Inc) will begin conducting town-wide exterior only revaluations for residential properties; access to the interior of your home is not requested. An optional questionnaire will be mailed to residence owners to provide relevant information about their residence to the assessor for consideration.

The Trespass Law in Wisconsin entitles the assessor to enter a property once during an assessment cycle unless the property owner has notified the assessor in advance to deny entry. Additional visits may be authorized by the property owner. Assessors are restricted to the following conditions when entering property:

  1. The reason for the entry must be to make an assessment on behalf of the state or a political subdivision.
  2. The entry must be on a weekday during daylight hours, or at another time as agreed upon with the property owner.
  3. The assessor’s visit must not be more than one hour.
  4. The assessor must not open doors, enter through open doors, or look into windows of structures.
  5. If the property owner or occupant is not present, the assessor must leave a notice on the principal building providing the owner with information on how to contact them.
  6. The assessor may not enter the premises if they have received a notice from the property owner or occupant denying them entry.
  7. The assessor must leave if the property owner or occupant asks them to leave.

In 2009, Wisconsin Act 68 was enacted to amend Section 70.05(5)(b) Wis. Stats. and to create Section 70.05 (4m), 895, 488, 943.13 (4m)(d) and 943.15(1m) of the statutes; relating to: partially exempting an assessor and an assessor’s staff from liability for trespassing, creating immunity from civil liability, and changing the notice requirements relating to the revaluation of property by an assessor.

Copies of the applicable statutes can be obtained at public depositories throughout the State of Wisconsin, and from the State of Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau website (


The Town of Springfield will hold a property assessment Open Book hearing on October 8, 2024 from 3pm-5pm in person at town hall. 

You may contact Associated Appraisal Consultants, Inc. at W6237 Neubert Rd., Appleton, WI 54913, by phone at 920-749-1995 ext. 8806 or by email at

Preliminary 2024 Assessment Roll and Department of Revenue instructional materials are available at


Public notice is hereby given that the Town of Springfield Board of Review will meet in person at: 

Town hall on Tuesday, October 29, 2024, from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. —AGENDA

for the purpose of reviewing and examining the assessment roll of real and personal property in said Town and all sworn statements and valuations of real and personal property therein, and of correcting all errors in said roll, whether in description of property or otherwise, and to perform such other duties imposed by law. Forms for protesting of assessments are available from the Town Clerk-Treasurer, 6157 County Highway P, Dane, WI  53529.  Please call 849-7887 to schedule appointments.

Taxpayers may appear at this meeting after having filed a notice of intent to appear with the Town Clerk forty-eight hours in advance of the meeting. Taxpayers also may be allowed to address the board of review with less than a forty-eight-hour notice if both they and the assessor sign a waiver of the forty-eight-hour requirement.  Failure to file the required forty-eight-hour notice of intent to object may result in denial of a hearing by the Board of Review.


In compliance to the State of Wisconsin Open Meetings Law requirements, this serves as public notice that a quorum of the Town Board will be in attendance at the Board of Review at the day, time and location noted above. Only Board of Review business will be discussed and/or acted upon.