Town Board

Town Board Meetings

Town hall, 6157 County Hwy. P, Dane, WI 53583

The Town Board typically meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7:00 p.m. at Town Hall. Minutes are posted on the Town website once they’ve been approved by the Town Board, typically at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Contact the Town Office for minutes not posted here. Meeting dates are subject to change.


* non-Tuesday meeting
**Annual Town Meeting of Electors ***Budget & Levy, Meeting of Electors

1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter
Jan. 7th
Jan. 21st
Feb. 4th
Feb. 20th*
Mar. 4th
Mar. 18th
Apr. 2nd*
Apr. 15th** 
May 6th
May 20th
June 3rd
June 17th
July 1st
July 15th
Aug. 5th
Aug. 19th
Sept. 2nd
Sept. 16th
Oct. 7th
Oct. 21st
Nov. 4th
Nov. 18th ***
Dec. 2nd
Dec. 16th


Compliance with Open Meetings Law

COMPLIANCE WITH THE OPEN MEETINGS LAW is certified. Notice was given by posting this agenda at the Springfield Town Hall and on the town website. Meetings are recorded. The Town of Springfield will accommodate qualified persons with disabilities requesting such accommodations. Please contact the Town Hall at 608-849-7887 or at for more information.

All agenda items are posted for discussion and possible action by the body; unless, otherwise stated. The members of other Town boards, commissions or committees may attend this meeting. Even if a majority of another Town board, commission or committee is present, that board, commission or committee will not meet, discuss or act on any business unless a meeting has been noticed.