Density Study Committee

The Town of Springfield under its Comprehensive Plan generally limits new development to a density of one dwelling unit per 35 acres held in single ownership as of April 16, 1979. Given the decades that have elapsed since 1979, the Town Board felt it was important to develop and maintain a tracking mechanism.

In 2022, the Springfield Town Board appointed an ad hoc Density Study Committee to guide preparation of maps depicting the number of development rights (commonly called “splits”) authorized and used on each 35+ acre 1979 farm in the Town.  The maps are intended to help guide property owner, planning, and development decisions.  Understanding a property’s development potential is critical to the Town’s land use planning, farmland preservation, and transfer of development rights programs. 



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COMPLIANCE WITH THE OPEN MEETINGS LAW is certified. Notice was given by posting this agenda at the Springfield Town Hall and on the town website. Meetings are recorded. The Town of Springfield will accommodate qualified persons with disabilities requesting such accommodations. Please contact the Town Hall at 608-849-7887 or at for more information.

All agenda items are posted for discussion and possible action by the body; unless, otherwise stated. The members of other Town boards, commissions or committees may attend this meeting. Even if a majority of another Town board, commission or committee is present, that board, commission or committee will not meet, discuss or act on any business unless a meeting has been noticed.
