Public Notices & Agendas



Compliance with Open Meetings Law

COMPLIANCE WITH THE OPEN MEETINGS LAW is certified. Notice was given by posting this agenda at the Springfield Town Hall and on the town website. Meetings are recorded. The Town of Springfield will accommodate qualified persons with disabilities requesting such accommodations. Please contact the Town Hall at 608-849-7887 or at for more information.

All agenda items are posted for discussion and possible action by the body; unless, otherwise stated. The members of other Town boards, commissions or committees may attend this meeting. Even if a majority of another Town board, commission or committee is present, that board, commission or committee will not meet, discuss or act on any business unless a meeting has been noticed.





NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to each and every person who owns, occupies or controls land in the TOWNS OF SPRINGFIELD, County of Dane, State of Wisconsin, to cut or destroy noxious weeds on such property before the plants bloom.

Noxious weeds are:  Canada Thistle, Leafy Spurge, Field Bindweed (creeping Jenny), Yellow Rocket, Perennial Sow Thistle, Musk Thistle, Giant Foxtail, Wild Hemp (Marijuana), Yellow Mustard, Velvet Leaf, Wild Radish, Bull Thistle and the Buckthorn Bush and any other weed the governing body of any municipality or the county board of any county by ordinance or resolution declares to be noxious within its respective boundaries. Wis. Stats. § 66.0407(b). Noxious Weeds shall be controlled at such time and in such a manner as shall effectively prevent such plants from bearing seed, or spreading to adjoining property.

Town of Springfield